Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 16

Call this: Pre-Production - (Then give these tasks your own name)
1) Add your finished script, shotlist, production schedule, risk assessment and storyboard to the blog.
2) You should be shooting over the next two weeks so make sure you have noted that kit is booked and everyone is ready to go.
3) Make some comments about the shoot - what are you hoping will work? What do you anticipate going wrong and what have you done to avoid this? Talk about your actors and post some information on them and what you have asked them to wear.

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 15

Call this "PRE-PRODUCTION - Screenplay - (Then give each section your own title)"

1) Add your screenplay (both drafts) to your blog.
2) Discuss how your screenplay is a typical film noir - identify conventions and how your screenplay challenges them.
3) Put on your blog any character biographies / story synopsis you have written
4) Start researching what costumes you would like your characters to wear - use IMAGES from Film Noir movies to support your points.
5) Discuss the prop's used in your script - how are they typical for a film noir?

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 14

Call this MAIN TASK - PRODUCTION - (Give the rest of the header your own title)
Simply update the blog with everything you have achieved in this lesson

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 13

Call this MAIN TASK - PRODUCTION - (Give the rest of the header your own title)
Simply update the blog with everything you have achieved in this lesson

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 12

Call this: TARGET AUDIENCE RESEARCH - (Then give each header it's own title)

For this blog task you must:
1) Add your questionaire to the blog, it would be a good idea to scan in a filled out one and add it as evidence
2) Compile a series of charts like the one above containing the results of your questionaire.
3) Make a definitive conclusion about:
i) Who is your target audience?
ii) What will they require from your film noir?
iii) Make your conclusions about the target audience for film-noir in general

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 11

Call this "SIMILAR PRODUCTS - (Give the rest of the header your own title)
1) Pick any three film noir openings you can find on YouTube and conduct an analysis of them - pick out the elements you would like to use in your movie.
2) Conduct some analysis of film noir movie posters - how do they represent the characters? What characters are on them and why? How do they draw the audience to the cinema?

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 10

CALL THESE: "Similar Products - (Then give each post your own title)

1) Can you find a good definition of a film noir movie or the genre? Then try to compile a list of conventions for an average film noir.
2) Simply compile a list of Film Noir movies and give the basic plots of any 5, make a conclusion about the plots overall - what do you notice?

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 9

Call this: Preliminary Task - Video & Evaluation
Upload your preliminary task to the YouTube channel and add the video to your blog.
Don't forget to add your PODCAST Evaluation to your blog. (See your production task sheet for details)

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 8

Call this: Preliminary Task - Filming
Describe in your own words, what the filming process was like for you - what challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
What role did you perform and how well do you think you did?

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 7

Call this:
Preliminary Task - Production Schedule
Preliminary Task - Shot List
Preliminary Task - Location Photographs and checklist
Add your production schedule, shot list and location photographs and checklist to your blog

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 6

Call this: Preliminary Task - Camera Skills
Using your notes from these workshops write a short essay on: “What are the benefits of using a tripod and shooting multi-camera?”
Back up statements with evidence (stills or video) from films or TV programmes.
Then write down how you will use what you have learned in your preliminary task.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 5

Call this:
Preliminary Task - Script
Preliminary Task - Storyboard
Preliminary Task - Team work
Add your script and storyboard to the blog.
State your role in the creation of these items.
Also state how you think it's going within your team.

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 4

Call this: Preliminary Task - Our Idea
Explain on your blog what you have been asked to do, state who you are working with and say what your deadlines are also write down what you hope to learn over the course of the next few lessons.
Then write down what your role in the team will be and what your initial idea is.

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 3

You need to now add information on the brainstorming lesson to your blog, please call this entry:
Please put your team members names on their and what you did in class today.

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 2

Pick a role you would like to, or at least one you'd like to try, and write on your blog exactly what that person does in the industry.
Call this: Research - XXXX (Production Role)

Year 12 - BLOG TASK 1 - The Chase Task

Call your first blog entry:
The Chase Task
Write a short piece on how well you worked within your team and what was involved in your role. Also upload the powerpoint for your team and attach it to the blog and attach the video to your blog as a video not as an external link.

How to add Video & Powerpoints to your blog

When creating a new post you will see a clapperboard icon next to the word LINK in the tab above you. Simply click on that, then click "From You Tube" find your video click Select and you are done!

At present you cannot upload powerpoints directly from blogger, so your best bet is to go to slideshare, create an account and then when you are in the process of creating a new post, simply click on the word link and link it to your web address of your slideshare.

Easy as pie!

How to create your blog

Simply click on CREATE A BLOG

Your blog name must be like: Joe Bloggs 0000

First name, surname and 4 digit candidate number.

BLOG TASKS will be posted here.